Recently I had the idea to learn more about the TLS protocol, and read up on TLS v1.3’s specification. While there is an enormous amount of details that any production implementation needs to pay attention to, for the most fundamental features, the protocol itself it actually not very complex. I was encouraged by the apparent straightforwardness of the protocol and would like to write a toy implementation on my own.

Before delving deep into the implementation, I first used a production-grade TLS library rustls to capture the inputs and outputs of a TLS handshake (the source code can be found at the end of this post), and in this post we will deconstruct the first message, which is the ClientHello.

The raw bytes, encoded in hexadecimal, are as follows:


The record layer

The first layer of abstraction is the “Record Layer,” and since the ClientHello is not a protected message, the record layer follows the structure of a TLSPlaintext, which roughly looks like the following:

/// Structure of unprotected messages such as ClientHello, ServerHello, and
/// HelloRetryRequest
struct TLSPlaintext {
    /// A single byte that encodes the type of message, which can be one of:
    /// Invalid: 0x00
    /// ChangeCipherSpec: 0x14
    /// Alert: 0x15
    /// Handshake: 0x16
    /// ApplicationData: 0x17
    content_type: ContentType,

    /// A two-byte wide encoding of the TLS protocol version that this message
    /// follows. For TLS v1.3, this value is either 0x0301 (TLS v1.0) or 0x0303
    /// (TLS v1.2) for backward compatibility reason
    legacy_protocol_version: ProtocolVersion,

    /// Plaintext fragment can contain up to 2^14 bytes. The length value is
    /// encoded with big-endian byte order (also called network byte order,
    /// where the more significant digit is placed at lower-value memory
    /// address)
    length: u16,

    /// The actual content of the message
    fragment: Opaque

The first a few bytes of the captured ClientHello indeed conforms the structure described above, where:

  1. first byte is 0x16, encoding the content type Handshake
  2. second and third bytes are 0x0301, encoding the protocol version TLS v1.0
  3. third and fourth bytes are 0x00f3, correctly encoding the length of the content to be 243 bytes

From this we also know that we have correctly captured a complete and valid ClientHello and we can safely decompose the content of the record.

The handshake message

The second layer of abstraction is the handshake message, whose header encodes the handshake message type and the length of the content:

struct HandshakeMessage {
    /// Each message type is a one-byte encoding of the possible types of
    /// handshake messages, such as ClientHello (0x01), ServerHello (0x02), etc
    msg_type: HandshakeType,

    /// Three-byte encoding of the length of the content
    length: U24,

    /// The content of the handshake message
    payload: Payload

Of the remaining bytes, the first byte 0x01 encodes the handshake type ClientHello, and the next three bytes 0x0000ef correctly encodes the number of bytes (239) in the remaining content.

The client hello message

The third layer of abstraction is the ClientHello itself, whose structure is as follows:

struct ClientHello {
    legacy_version: ProtocolVersion,
    random: [u8; 32],
    legacy_session_id: Vec<u8>,
    cipher_suites: Vec<CipherSuite>,
    legacy_compression_methods: Vec<CompressionMethod>,
    extensions: Vec<Extensions>,

The ProtocolVersion is the same as found in the record layer. In the captured message, the protocol version came out to be 0x0303, which correpsonds to TLS v1.2, again, for compatibility reason. With TLS v1.3, the actual protocol version negotiation is moved to an extension called supported_versions, which will be covered at a later section.

The random field is a fixed-length vector, meaning that in all possible TLS v1.3 messages that uses this field, the number of bytes that this field takes up is the same. This means that the length of the vector is not encoded in the byte stream, so we simply take the next 32 bytes to be the value of the random field.

On the other hand, the remaining four fields (legacy session ID, ciphers suites, compression methods, and extensions) are all variable-length vectors, meaning that the number of bytes can vary from message to message and that the length of the vector is encoded in the serialization of the vector itself. We can quickly verify that the remaining message is well formed by checking the length values and make sure that the remaining four fields correctly consume the remainder of the message:

  • The maximal length of session_id is 32 bytes, so the length value is 1-byte wide. In our message this byte is 0x20, so we take the next 32 bytes to be the value of the session ID
  • The maximal length of cipher_suites is $2^{16}-2$ bytes, so the length value is 2-byte wide. In the captured message, the two bytes are 0x0014, so we take the next 20 bytes
  • The maximal length of legacy_compression_methods is $2^8-1$ bytes, so the length value is 1-byte wide. In the captured message, this byte is 0x01, so we take the next byte
  • The maximal length of extensions is $2^{16}-1$ bytes, so the length value is 2-byte wide. In the captured message, the two bytes are 0x0092, so we take the next 146 bytes. After taking 146 bytes, we have reached exactly the end of the message, meaning that the message itself is indeed well-formed

For a brief summary before we further dive into individual fields, here are the byte values of each field in the captured ClientHello:

# ClientHello payload
legacy_protocol: 0x0303
random: 0x0c1968ab2bbd60205f2a40c7f0d492168535d0298c37d998e5eb01e55b61021e
    - 0x20
    - 0x135f1cec7cd5321636bd64411984fd58603bf896d1ef53820869160c6b068a84
    - 0x0014
    - 0x130213011303c02cc02bcca9c030c02fcca800ff
    - 0x01
    - 0x00
    - 0x0092
    - 0x002b00050403040303000b00020100000a00080006001d00170018000d00140012050304030807080608050804060105010401001700000005000501000000000000001600140000117777772e727573742d6c616e672e6f726700120000003300260024001d0020a04d556163020ff655beeacccf1bbc39c1acdf781551caec45e0e145b7995757002d0002010100230000

Legacy session IDs

Legacy session IDs are a compatibility baggage from pre-TLSv1.3 specificaitons. If the server correctly implements TLS v1.3, then this field should be a zero-length vector, but in the real world there are many sloppy implementations of TLS v1.2 and prior that will misbehave if this field is not filled out, so for compatibility reason it’s probably a good idea to generate a new 32-byte session ID.

The session ID should still try to be “random”, although it does not need to be cryptographically random.

Cipher suites

The cipher_suites field contains a list of encoded cipher suites, where each cipher suite is encoded with two bytes. From the specification, the following cipher suites can be identified, although there are more cipher suites added beyond the spec, which can be found in the rustls source code:

  • 0x1301: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  • 0x1302: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
  • 0x1303: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256

Compression methods

Like legacy session IDs, the compression methods are a compatibility baggage, but unlike legacy session IDs, there is no need to bend backward for bad prior implementations. For TLS v1.3, this field is a list of a single compression method NULL, encoded with the value 0x00.


The extensions field is a list of extensions, where each extension is encoded following the tag-length-value structure. Each extension can contain up to 2^{16}-1 bytes of extension data, so the length value is two-byte in width. Each extension type’s encoded value can be up to 65535 ($2^{16}$), so each

We can begin by identifying the tags and lengths without parsing out the values:

tag length value
0x002b 0x0005 0x0403040303
0x000b 0x0002 0x0100
0x000a 0x0008 0x0006001d00170018
0x000d 0x0014 0x0012050304030807080608050804060105010401
0x0017 0x0000  
0x0005 0x0005 0x0100000000
[0x0000](#server-name-0x0000 0x0016 0x00140000117777772e727573742d6c616e672e6f7267
[0x0012](#signed-certificate-timestamp-0x0012 0x0000  
0x0033 0x0026 0x0024001d0020a04d556163020ff655beeacccf1bbc39c1acdf781551caec45e0e145b7995757
0x002d 0x0002 0x0101
0x0023 0x0000  

Among the extension encodings above, I can recognize the followings from the official spec:

Supported versions 0x002b

0x0403040303 encodes a variable length vector: the length is 0x04, and there are two elements in the vector 0x0304 and 0x0303. Together, this extension specified that the client supports TLS v1.2 and TLS v1.3.

Supported groups 0x000a

0x0006001d00170018 encodes a variable length vector whose length value is 2-byte wide, so the length of the elements sum to 0x0006, and there are 3 elements encoding the groups used for key exchange:

  • 0x001d: x25519
  • 0x0017: secp256r1
  • 0x0018: secp384r1

Signature algorithms 0x000d

0x0012050304030807080608050804060105010401 encodes a variable length vector whose length value is 2-byte wide, so the length of the elements sum to 0x12, and there are 9 elements each encoding the signature algorithm that the client supports:

  • 0x0503: ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384
  • 0x0403: ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256
  • 0x0807: ed25519
  • 0x0806: rsa_pss_rsae_sha512
  • 0x0805: rsa_pss_rsae_sha384
  • 0x0804: rsa_pss_rsae_sha256
  • 0x0601: rsa_pkcs1_sha512
  • 0x0501: rsa_pkcs1_sha384
  • 0x0401: rsa_pkcs1_sha256

Status request (0x0005)

I can recognize the tag, but the structure of this extension is beyond the TLS v1.3 spec.

Server name 0x0000


Signed certificate timestamp 0x0012


Key Share 0x0033

More reading is needed

Pre-shared Key Exchange Modes 0x002d

More reading is needed


The code I used to capture the outgoing ClientHello encoding (written in Rust, btw):

use rustls::{OwnedTrustAnchor, RootCertStore};
use std::io::{Read, Write, stdout};
use std::net::TcpStream;
use std::sync::Arc;

struct LoggedTcpStream<T> {
    writer: T,
    socket: TcpStream,

impl<T: Write> LoggedTcpStream<T> {
    fn new(writer: T, socket: TcpStream) -> Self {
        return Self { writer, socket };

impl<T: Write> Read for LoggedTcpStream<T> {
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
        let nbytes =;
        let hexstr = hex::encode(&buf);
        writeln!(self.writer, "Received: {}", hexstr)?;
        return Ok(nbytes);

impl<T: Write> Write for LoggedTcpStream<T> {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
        let hexstr = hex::encode(&buf);
        writeln!(self.writer, "Sent: {}", hexstr)?;
        return self.socket.write(&buf);

    fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {

fn main() {
    let mut root_store = RootCertStore::empty();
            .map(|ta| {
    let config = rustls::ClientConfig::builder()

    let server_name = "".try_into().unwrap();
    let mut conn = rustls::ClientConnection::new(Arc::new(config), server_name).unwrap();
    let mut sock = LoggedTcpStream::new(

    let mut tls = rustls::Stream::new(&mut conn, &mut sock);
            "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n",
            "Connection: close\r\n",
            "Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n",
    let ciphersuite = tls
        &mut std::io::stderr(),
        "Current ciphersuite: {:?}",
    let mut plaintext = Vec::new();
    tls.read_to_end(&mut plaintext).unwrap();
    // stdout().write_all(&plaintext).unwrap();